The Killing of George Floyd – Single & Video Publicity Campaign
Client: TwoUpTwoDown Records
Artist: Sadie Jemmett
Project: The Killing of George Floyd single & video campaign
Mission: Like our Don’t Silence Me Campaign, our mission was to set up a global awareness campaign to the single and video “The Killing of George Floyd” by the songwriter Sadie Jemmett.
The song was written and recorded in three days soon after the atrocity of George Floyd’s murder by the police. We supervised the recording, mixing, mastering and distribution of the single and created a verye effective lyric video.
The press and PR campaign has featured coverage in key music publications such as Hot Press and Maverick Magazine as well as being picked up by numerous blogs and radio stations.
As with the Don’t Silence Me campaign, we are incredibly proud to be associated with the project and its efforts to stop social and racial injustice.